Daily Archives: August 17, 2012

Jakesprinter: Closeup

This week, I’m going to offer a picture for the Sunday challenge over at Jakesprinter – the theme this time is “closeup”. Actually, I’ll post two photos, to give you an idea of scale.

If three tall men stood on each others’ shoulders – well, that would be a very unstable nightmare, now that I think about it. But if you knew a three-man-tall giant, the giant could reach up and pick the flowers off the top of this saguaro.

And this is what our giant could see, up close. Yay zoom lens.

(Both pictures were taken in the Saguaro National Forest outside Tucson, Arizona, in June of 2005 – June is a good time to see the Sonoran Desert, because it hasn’t turned completely dry yet, and everything in sight is in bloom or starting to fruit.)

Friday Fictioneers: The Escape of Meaning

Madison Woods outdid herself with this week’s photo prompt. I just can’t make sense of the picture; I thought I was going to have to skip Friday Fictioneers this week, until I thought of sending my character to an art show where she’ll have to deal with –

The Escape of Meaning

Interesting. Eccentric, but why not? Old-fashioned, too. The guide was a few sheets of paper, stapled together and rustling in the breeze; conceptual art, a tribute to modernism as Picasso knew it.

I’d enjoyed the show, but I just didn’t get this piece. For one thing, I could barely see it, way up there…animal horns pointing in random directions, and was that a skull?

The guide claimed this was the most important work of all.  “Climb the tree, look down from above,” it instructed. I reached for a branch. The guide slipped from my hand and fluttered away, flapping its pages like a misshapen butterfly.