Monthly Archives: August 2013

Friday Fictioneers – Time Passes, Things Change

Back to the Fictioneers at last! (Who are the Friday Fictioneers? A loosely (dis)organized group who post stories more or less a hundred words long, based on photos posted by the one and only Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Try it – you’ll like it!)

My story follows – please let me know what you think!

lvbydawne_3Time Passes, Things Change

So here I am, temp agency security for discount retail, plenty of room in the aisles and the whole place like a big open barn. Used to be, stores were like palaces. High ceilings, marble columns. Crowds you could hardly push your way through. Tough job being one of their security guards.

Back then, I worked alone. Went with the territory. And believe me, I learned how security spots all the sneak thief tricks. But you get older, you get clumsier and slower, and getting honest starts looking like the smart bet.

I wasn’t just a good thief, I was the best, so good I had a clean record. Just a little resume fudging and I got this job. I like it. Keeps me sharp without the agita.

Excuse me, got to go put the fear of God in that kid over there.


Wordless Wednesday – August 28, 2013


Is this going to work??

Another fit of curiosity took hold of me recently, and I decided to see if it’s really possible to knit a pair of socks. So far, I’ve got most of the cuff done – the cuff’s only a few rows long – but I’m getting worried.

RedSockCuffThat little circle of yarn has to stretch far enough to go all the way around my heel. Is this thing really going to work out?

Travel theme: (Permanent) Play

This week’s Travel Theme? Play! Don’t miss Ailsa’s photos – she covers pretty much every possible interpretation.

PlayAug03ChicagoStatueHere’s mine – we saw this statue at a lakefront park in Chicago. Was it really ten years ago??

Friday Quatrain

Why I’m Not Friday Fictioneering Today

My mind’s out of focus,
My head’s full of fluff.
I’d like to write more,
But today, that’s enough. 😦


Wordless Wednesday – August 21, 2013


Travel theme: Big

This week, Ailsa’s theme is “big” – don’t miss her pictures of impressively big things! I went in a more metaphorical direction, though…

BigGalileoGalileo. A towering figure in the history of science.
And this is his (fairly large) tomb, in Santa Croce Basilica in Florence.

Thursday haiku – Aug. 15, 2013

No wind. A fleet of
Clouds at anchor on sky blue
Enough to drown in.

(Yes, the weather has improved. Dramatically.)


Wordless Wednesday – August 14, 2013


Weather. Or not.

Another rainy day. The official word seems to be that, here in the vicinity of Philadelphia, we had two inches of rain this morning. And then there were the towns that had five inches or six inches or similar ridiculous amounts. Many, many roads,  including main highways, were closed at least half the day because they were flooded – once the ground gets well and truly saturated so it just can’t absorb any more, it doesn’t take much rain to cause a flood.

As a result, lots of people had to find alternate routes to get to work. My son says he got thoroughly lost during his morning commute and had to get directions from a strange old man in a big boat full of pairs of animals.
