Daily Archives: December 10, 2012

100 Word Challenge for Grownups: Self-sacrifice

All right, this story is in response to Julia’s real prompt for the 100 Word Challenge for Grownups. And in a few minutes, I’ll find out whether I’ve managed to miss the deadline for this week…


I’m on a mission.

You know the way people put out treats, especially around Christmas, and then leave the plates  sitting with just one piece left? It’s cruel, that’s what it is. Tempting people like that. Just think of the poor souls who struggle with their weight. Why, they might eat that last piece!

Someone has to protect them. So from now on, whenever I see a plate full of goodies, I’m going to eat it all, every bite, right away, before anyone else can get at it.

No, no, you don’t have to thank me. Just knowing that I can help is reward enough.