Daily Archives: May 10, 2013

Friday Fictioneers: Heart’s Desire

What’s a Fictioneer, especially a Friday one? We’re a (very) loose group of bloggers who write stories (more or less) a hundred words long inspired (one way or another) by the photos that the one and only Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts every Wednesday. How do people qualify to become Fictioneers? Check Rochelle’s post, write your story, post it, and add it to Rochelle’s InLinkz page of the week. It’s really that simple. Want to try?

While you think it over, take a look at my story – comments are enthusiastically welcome.

icon-grill-ted-strutzHeart’s Desire

Outside, the sign says “Heart’s Desire”. Inside, jumbled junk. So I confronted the blonde at the cash register.

“Whatever you want, we sell it,” she said. “If you can find it.”

“Sure you do. Like what?”

“Gold, jewels – cheap. Cures for whatever you’ve got. That out-of-print book you lost two moves ago.”


She grinned. “The lighting in here’s very flattering, and everybody leaves happy and hopeful. And that’s the best part of being young, right?”

“True love?”

“Is that what you want? Well. Magic, we have – and with magic and a little persistence, who knows?”

Who knows, indeed? We’ve been running the store together for years now.