Daily Archives: May 16, 2013

Friday Fictioneers: Out of the Woods

It’s not quite Friday yet, not for another eight hours, but that’s okay. I’m posting my 100 (and a bit) word Friday Fictioneers story now. You can too – just go to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’s Fictioneers page, read the explanation, look at the photo prompt. And share your inspiration with the world.

aqueduct-sarah-ann-hallOut of the Woods

These hills used to be full of farms. Full of people. Now they’re gone. Can’t even get bars on your phone. I wouldn’t be hiking here if this was still somebody’s field – they’d notice and come chase me out. If only.

Old stone wall. Got to sit down. I’ll, I’ll check if the strips of shirt around my ankle are holding. Check my cell. Still no bars.

Time to move on. Something white up ahead? Fence. And over there, that was a house.

And this was a road, once. Now it’s just a gap in the trees. Well, easier walking. Limping.

Check the phone first. Wait – two bars, three, here in the open?


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Please let me know what you think. I love comments!