Daily Archives: May 4, 2013

Friday Fictioneers – Full Fathom Five

This week’s Friday Fictioneers Foto was a challenge – I knew at first sight what sort of mood I wanted to try for, but how to build a story around that feeling? Here’s my hundred word story at last – please let me know what you think of it! And as always, many thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, our valiant cat herder!

kent-bonhamFull Fathom Five

I still have photos from that vacation. Want to see the hotel? Gorgeous, right? An old place with creaky elevators and small rooms and ancient plumbing, but so much charm. Like living in a coral reef. We had a great time – I learned to paddleboard, and Jim spent every day on that little boat he rented.

He was out on the bay when all the water pulled back from the land. I was staring, trying to understand, when one of the locals grabbed my arm and dragged me inland, uphill, just ahead of that mountain of water.

Jim? I tell myself heโ€™s still out there enjoying his boat.

* * *

(By the way – I’ve never been anywhere near the real building in the photo, and as far as I know it’s completely up to date inside ๐Ÿ˜‰ )