100 Word Challenge for Grownups – Week 43 – Storm

This week Julia’s prompt for the 100 Word Challenge is

…The flame flickered before…


The flame flickered before it went out. And everything was dark.

Dark, but not quiet. The wind didn’t howl, it screamed, and sleet clicked against the windows. “Sounds like they’re being sandblasted. Was that the last candle?”

“Last one I could find. Besides, we’re out of matches.”

“We could have lit the next candle from this one. If we had another candle.”

“It’ll be morning sometime. And they’ll get the power back on once the storm stops.” An arm wrapped around my shoulders.

“And then we’ll have heat.”

“I guess we’ll just have to make do, won’t we?”

“Mmm. Make our own?”

22 responses to “100 Word Challenge for Grownups – Week 43 – Storm

  1. Very good interpretation of the prompt. I imagine they’re huddled togther until morning time.

  2. That was lovely. I like the ending.

  3. Oooh a happy ending, sounds like a sizzling ending to me!

  4. You managed to get so much imagery in so few words. Bravo!

  5. I can imagine them being very cosy and warm till morning 🙂

  6. Liked the idea of sleet clicking against windows. Great descriptions.

    • Oh, thank you! And sleet does click, doesn’t it? That’s how you know you’re in for it even before you set foot outside – rain splashes, snow is soundless, but sleet really makes a racket.

  7. What a great idea and I love the ending. x

  8. Enjoyed this..wondered how long it had been going on for. Atmospheric piece.

    • Thank you! My guess is that the power has been off at least four hours or so – long enough to burn down at least one candle, maybe more, and long enough for everything to get really cold with no heat. (Of course the strong winds would speed up heat loss.)

  9. Excellent! Gentle and effective.

  10. Ooh I say 😉 sounds like they are in for a fun evening.

  11. Excellent how you’ve managed to convey the calm atmosphere inside the house despite the raging storm. Nice!

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