Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected

Surprisingly, this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge theme is “unexpected”.

Unexpected300StIf you were rolling north from Seattle on the Interstate, with nothing to see on either side of the highway but towering evergreens, would you expect an exit for “300th Street”? We sure didn’t, so I took a picture of the sign.

9 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected

  1. I’ll have to take your word for it with this one and I haven’t been to the USA yet!

  2. Just as oddly, outside of Rapid City, South Dakota, there are street signs for miles and miles with scarcely even a tree in sight! 🙂 Make me laugh each year.


  3. i wonder what is on 300th street?

  4. Pingback: Weekly Challenge: Unexpected (4) | Through the Eye of Bastet

  5. Pingback: Unexpected photographs | Processing the life

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