Friday Fictioneers: Panic

Well, what would you do, confronted by a photo of a dismembered mannequin and some graffiti? You’d write a hundred word story about it, of course.

You wouldn’t? Well, that’s what the Friday Fictioneers do. Try it – you’ll like it!


November’s a gray month, so dark so early. Take the wrong shortcut, and you might run into anything. Something rustled behind him. Leaves, he told himself. But the leaves were gone for the winter. Only a mugger, he told himself with a sour smile.

It wasn’t like rustling, he decided. Or footsteps. Something scraping along the sidewalk.

“Help me.” A voice at waist level behind him. A child in trouble? He paused, turned.

The statue approached, swiveling stiffly from side to side. Its torso was missing, and its head wobbled atop its hips. The lips moved. He yelled and ran.

The head sighed. “This neighborhood. Everybody goes to pieces.”

* * *

Please comment and let me know what you think of this story! And as usual, thanks to our fearless leader and cat-herder, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

24 responses to “Friday Fictioneers: Panic

  1. Reminds me of the commercials I’ve seen on TV for “Sleep Hollow.” I’m sorry to say that because although I like your story, I’m not excited about the commercials. 🙂 Like your last line especially.


  2. the clever last line’s definitely my favorite here too 🙂

  3. You build the tension really well an the imagery is quite scarey – yours not the photo!

  4. Very good, great last line – one has figuratively gone to pieces and one in actuality 🙂

  5. Loved the closing line.

  6. Dear Sharon,

    I tried it. I liked it. Look where it led. 😉

    I can relate to starting with an ending line and then trying to find a story for it. You did it well. The image of being followed by a dismembered statue is pretty horrifying though. Nice one.



    • Thank you, Rochelle! For some reason, the dismembered mannequin in the photo creeped me out a bit. (As well as inspiring the semi-joke last line.) Add some more realistic fears about run-down areas and street crime, stir well, and here we are.

  7. yep made me laugh. i hate those dark night too 🙂

  8. A Hammer film in the making! You made a pun from the photo. Ann

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