Daily Archives: July 25, 2012

Day trips – Sculpture Garden

For various reasons, we won’t be taking an official Vacation this year. Instead, we’re going to visit several touristy places that we never go to because, after all, they’re right around here and we can visit them any old time.

Any old time is now.

So last weekend we got on the interstate and drove up a little north of Trenton to take a look at “Grounds for Sculpture“, located on what was once the State Fairground.

It’s the kind of place that puts the “garden” in “sculpture garden”.

You never know what you’ll find next

as you wander around narrow pathways

and climb towers

and walk through the woods. (For those who care: I’m not going to post photos of them, but there are one or two very very nude sculptures in the woods.)

Sometimes the sculptures mingle with the visitors

and sometimes you start to wonder “Is this more art, or just furniture?”

They can be a little frightening

or charming

or strange.

Oh, and there are water lilies and koi and peacocks. (Did you know peacocks roost in trees? I didn’t. Unfortunately, they were so very high up that my camera wasn’t up to taking a good picture; being silhouetted against the sun didn’t help.)

We had a wonderful time, though it’s just as well we didn’t stop at this little cafe. You can’t count on prompt service from the waiter.